Dear Quogue Residents,
As the winter weeks roll by, we are continuing to experience cold and extremely windy weather. Unfortunately, groundhog Sam Champion saw his shadow when he visited Quogue earlier this month leading to a prediction of six more weeks of winter.
We learned on Friday that the Ponquogue Bridge will be closed until further notice to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic in both directions. The New York State Department of Transportation identified safety concerns last week during a routine inspection of the bridge. I have subsequently spoken with the Chief Engineer at the Suffolk County Department of Public Works who explained that they discovered signs of concrete degradation (“spalling”) in one of the bridge’s supports. They are analyzing the data to determine what corrective measures are required. Unfortunately, it sounds like the bridge may be shut down for several weeks, which may well increase traffic through the Village. Click HERE for the press release from the Town of Southampton. The Town will keep us informed once they have a projected timeline for the bridge’s reopening. If you have not already done so, I would encourage you to enroll in alerts from the Town via the “Notify Me” messaging system at
The Village’s online application and payment system to facilitate various administrative matters is now up and running. We encourage you to take advantage of our online features and create your account today. Sign up HERE
As you may have seen in the local press, Gabreski Airport recently broke ground on an expansion of its hangars and maintenance facilities. It is also nearing completion of an upgrade to the GPS navigation installation on the airport’s alternate runway, which may unfortunately shift some air traffic towards Quogue. A Gabreski Airport Noise Mitigation Working Group has been established and Quogue resident Stephen Farrell is the Village’s representative. Steve has also agreed to serve on the Gabreski Airport Conservation and Assessment Committee. The committee meets on an as needed basis to review airport license and lease applications which have a term greater than 30 days. The committee then provides a recommendation to the County Executive, County Legislature, and to the Council on Environmental Quality on the environmental, economic, and community impacts of an application.
Still on the topic of Gabreski, I have volunteered to serve on the Gabreski Airport Remedial Advisory Board (the “RAB”). The RAB was established last fall to review environmental investigation and cleanup activities at the Gabreski Air National Guard Base, including the investigation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The RAB will meet on a quarterly basis.
There will be a special election for the Quogue School Board next Wednesday, March 5th at the Quogue School from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Elizabeth (Betty) Crowley is running to fill the unexpired term of former trustee Jock McLean.
The Town of Southampton is also holding a special election on Tuesday, March 18th, to fill Tommy John Schiavoni’s seat on the Town Council following his election to the New York State Assembly. Early voting begins on Saturday, March 8th, and runs through Sunday, March 16th. Click HERE for a flyer with details of the times and locations to vote.
With the howling winds over the past few weeks, the Village has had several trees blown down, happily with minimal damage or disruption. This prompts me to remind you again please to have your landscaper or arborist check the trees on your properties. As a result of the scourge of the dreaded southern pine beetle, there are hundreds of dead or dying pine trees throughout the area. It is always better to be proactive and cull the dead trees to minimize the risk of damage or injury.
Here are a few upcoming events:
The Art Gallery at the Quogue Library has opened a new exhibit of “KID ART Inspired by Vegetables & Plants” by students at the East Quogue School, with an artist reception this Thursday, February 27th, from 3:15 pm to 5:00 pm. The exhibition runs through April 3rd.
On Saturday, March 8th, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, the Library is hosting a program on Common Sense Landscape Tips for the Long Island Gardener with a talk by Master Gardener Mariah Whitmore.
As always, the Quogue Library has daily programs for all ages. Please consult their website to check out the packed calendar of exercise, tech and other types of classes, arts and crafts activities, book clubs, games, movies and more.
This Saturday, March 1st, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, the Wildlife Refuge is hosting a Spring Poetry Reading: A Celebration of Nature’s Rebirth. The next full moon hike at the Refuge will be on March 14th, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. You can register on their website at
The Hampton Theatre Company’s 2024-2025 40th season continues with Boeing Boeing, written by Marc Camoletti, translated by Beverley Cross & Francis Evans, and directed by Catherine Clyne. The show is a 60s-era romp set in Paris about a self-styled Lothario juggling a trio of airline “connections”. The show runs from March 13th through March 30th. Tickets can be purchased at
Spring is around the corner!
Robert Treuhold
Mayor, Village of Quogue
Dear Quogue Residents,
Happy Cold New Year! Last January, the Village experienced one of the wettest months in history. This January, we are experiencing one of the coldest months in recent times.
As you all know, the winter solstice took place on December 21st, the shortest day of the year. “Solar winter” is the period of greatest darkness, which runs from about November 5th till February 5th, when “solar spring” arrives. The days are already getting longer (approximately two minutes per day), and we will learn on February 2nd what groundhogs Sam Champion and Al Roker predict for how many more weeks of winter we have before us.
The Village will soon be rolling out an on-line application and payment system to facilitate various administrative matters, including registering and/or renewing alarm permits, applying for rental licenses, and obtaining beach permits. More information will be posted on the Village website in the coming days.
I am proud to report that all Village employees are now CPR certified. In addition, all of our police officers have for some time been EMT qualified.
Several residents have expressed questions and concerns about the dredge that has been operating in offshore waters near the Village. This is part of the FIMP project, and the sand is being pumped further west to Cupsogue, Westhampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach. I have spoken with representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers, the governmental entity that is running the project, to express the Village’s concerns about potential beach erosion since the dredge appears to be so close to shore. They provided assurances that the dredge is indeed operating in the approved “borrow area”, which is in waters sufficiently deep as to have no negative impact on our beach (known as the “depth of closure”). They actively monitor and log the location of the dredge and shared this data with me. The “borrow area” was established after a detailed environmental study undertaken by the Army Corps in coordination with the New York State DEC. While it appears to be very close to shore, the area is actually located approximately 0.65 miles offshore at its closest point. It is a rectangle approximately two miles long running east to west and 0.4 miles wide. Here is a link to a Google Earth map of the borrow area: Borrow Area Map. Here is a link to the Army Corps’ Borrow Area “Investigation”. For those who want to learn more, here is a link to the Army Corps’ FIMP Website.
As for beach nourishment in Quogue, the appraisal process is inching along. I do not have an update on timing.
Finally, work is continuing apace on the new building located next to Schmidt’s on Jessup Avenue. I just learned that a lease has been signed for the second floor with the owners of 7 Fitness, a physical fitness and training facility in Westhampton Beach. My understanding is that they intend to open a “high-end” Pilates and personal training studio in Quogue. They are optimistic that it will be operational in time for the summer season.
Here are a few upcoming events:
The Art Gallery at the Quogue Library is hosting a reception on Saturday, February 1st, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, with a talk by the Quogue Historical Society, presenting their exhibition: House Proud: Quogue’s Iconic Summer “Cottages”. The exhibition opened on January 10th and runs through February 20th.
As noted above, the annual Groundhog Day Festivities will take place at the Library on Sunday, February 2nd, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Join “Sam Champion” and “Al Roker”, the STAR Foundation groundhogs, as they make their 2025 prediction(s)! There will be guest speakers from the Quogue Wildlife Refuge and lots of activities for children, as well as hot chocolate and groundhog-themed treats, and a showing of the movie Groundhog Day.
As always, the Quogue Library has daily programs for all ages. Please consult their website to check out the packed calendar of exercise, tech and other types of classes, arts and crafts activities, book clubs, games, movies and more.
This Saturday, January 25th, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, the Wildlife Refuge is organizing a Guided Winter Hike to the Dwarf Pines. The next full moon hike at the Refuge will be on February 11th, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. They are also organizing a Light the Night Winter Trail Walk on Saturday February 15th from 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm. You can register on their website at
Stay warm!
Robert Treuhold
Mayor, Village of Quogue