October 25, 2022
Dear Quogue Residents,
Quogue has a busy fall season ahead! Residents will be pleased to know that some of the Village’s fall traditions are returning this year, including the Fire Department sponsored Halloween Ghost Parade on Jessup Avenue and their Pancake Breakfast (details below).
For anyone who has recently visited the Village Dock, you may have wondered why a large crane has been parked there for the past month. The answer is that the Village is installing a new boat ramp to replace the very old and degraded ramp. Work should be completed this week.
Our postmaster Rob Lubrano has asked me to remind residents to pick up their mail as often as possible. He recommends that residents who receive a lot of mail should pick up at least three times per week due to their tight space constraints. Residents who leave for the season should arrange to have their mail forwarded. This can be done on-line. As I indicated in my letter last month, I did meet with the owners of the Quogue Market. They informed me that their current intention is to reopen the market in April.
We were sad to learn of the closing of the Double Rainbow toy and ice cream store on Jessup. Grace and Bruce Davidson have decided to shut after many years of bringing joy to the children of Quogue. We thank them for their contributions to the Village.
The Village Highway Department will begin picking up leaves on November 1st. Leaves must be on the shoulder of the street by December 15th in order to be picked up. Do not pile leaves around fire hydrants or utility equipment. DO NOT USE PLASTIC BAGS, which will not be picked up, and you will have to remove them. No brush, such as twigs and branches, or lawn cuttings will be taken away, and mixing this debris with leaves will result in the leaves not being removed. Brush with branches up to 3” in diameter may be taken to the Westhampton recycling facility free of charge from November 15th through December 31st. For more information, go to www.southamptontownny.gov. In addition to the foregoing, property owners and landscapers who take leaves (only) from a Quogue property may make arrangements with the Quogue Highway Department to dump them at the highway yard. That will avoid having piles in front of your property waiting to be picked up and blowing back onto your lawn. Due to roadwork, residents on Bay Road and Heatherwood Lane are requested to have their landscapers take their leaves to the Highway Department’s yard rather than piling them on the shoulder of Montauk Highway.
A reminder that Election Day is only two weeks away on Tuesday, November 8th. You can consult the Southampton Press and www.27East.com for information on the races and the candidates. The local polling place will be the Quogue Fire Department. Early voting starts on Saturday, October 29th and runs through Sunday, November 6th. The closest early voting sites to Quogue are at the Stony Brook University Southampton Campus at 60 Tuckahoe Road in Southampton and at the Riverhead Senior Center at 60 Shade Tree Road in Riverhead. The hours are 10:00 am-6:00 pm on weekends and vary during the week.
And now for a few announcements of some of the many events and activities happening in Quogue in the coming days and weeks:
The Hampton Theatre Company’s 2022-2023 season kicks off this week, after a one week delay, with Over the River and Through the Woods, written by Joe DiPietro. Performances begin on October 27th and run through November 13th. Tickets can be purchased at www.hamptontheatre.org
This coming Saturday, October 29th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, the Wildlife Refuge will have an Enchanted Forest Trail with whimsical, fun and educational characters. Details are available on their website at www.quoguewildliferefuge.org
On Halloween, October 31st at 4:00 pm, the Quogue Fire Department in coordination with the Quogue School is sponsoring a Halloween Ghost Parade and party. Folks will gather at the south end of Jessup at Quogue Street. The parade will follow the fire truck up Jessup Avenue to the Firehouse where there will be food and festivities for the children. Along the route, the police department will be handing out safety information, and firefighter families and the public will be handing out candy. Everyone is encouraged to come in costume.
On Saturday, November 5th at 9:00 am, the Quogue School is organizing the annual Hudsy 5K run/walk, honoring Joan Hudson, and raising funds for the school. You can register at https://events.elitefeats.com/22hudsy
On November 12th at 5:00 pm, the Library will be hosting the next Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions discussion program entitled: “Foreign Policy, Economic Power and the U.S. Industrial Policy”. Participants can join by zoom or attend in person. Please remember to consult the library’s website often, as there are so many activities that it is hard to mention them all: https://quogue.librarycalendar.com/events/month
An early reminder to hold the date for the Fire Department’s annual Pancake Breakfast, which is returning this year after a two-year Covid-created hiatus. The event will be held the Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 27th. It will be great fun for all, and raises funds for the Fire Department’s Benevolent Association.
Another early reminder for the Quogue Historical Society’s annual Holiday House Tour, which is scheduled for Saturday, December 10th from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased on the QHS website at https://quoguehistory.org/calendar/events-and-exhibitions/
Apologies if I have overlooked an event; please let me know!
Happy Halloween!
Robert Treuhold Mayor, Village of Quogue 631-653-4498
Dear Quogue Residents,
Fall has arrived in Quogue with more than our share of gorgeous days, but we are finally confronting hurricanes in the eastern United States, as witnessed by Fiona’s devastating impact on Puerto Rico, and Ian’s imminent landfall in Florida. Quogue was hit Sunday night with a freak “micro burst”, which toppled quite a number of trees in the Village and briefly caused a few power and internet outages, which were quickly repaired by PSEG and Optimum. A big shout out to our Highway Department for their herculean efforts to clear our roads. So far, our beach is holding up – fingers crossed that we get through the season without further damage.
While I have received no new news on the FIMP project, I can finally share the link to the promised video recording of the informational meeting held on August 31st with representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers, the NYS DEC and the Town of Southampton. https://youtu.be/HyhncYqhiZc
As many of you may have noticed, the work on selected roads began last week, including Post Lane, portions of Ocean Avenue, Midland Street, and Quogo Neck Lane, Deer Path, and the western end of Quogue Street. The work should be completed this week, weather permitting.
I am pleased to report that Pi Gardiner has accepted the position of Quogue Village Historian. Pi grew up in Quogue and has a deep appreciation of our Village and its history. She currently serves on the Board of the Quogue Historical Society and will be a great asset to the Village in this role.
It is with sadness that I note that our former Mayor Thelma Georgeson recently died. Our Village was blessed with the great benefit of her many decades of service to the community, not only serving as our Mayor for twelve years from 1990 to 2002, but also in her many volunteer efforts on the Planning Board, at the Library, and in general. We mourn the loss of a dedicated public servant and remarkable human being.
We were all very sorry to learn that Andrew Botsford has decided to discontinue his At Quaquanantuck column, at least for the time being. Andrew’s columns have enriched our community for many decades, and we will miss his intelligent and humorous commentary, his helpful information on Village activities, and his beautiful photography. I know I speak for all of Quogue in extending recognition and huge thanks to Andrew for creating through his columns an important resource and record of Village life for all Quogue residents. My hope and expectation is that we will continue to benefit from Andrew’s many contributions to Quogue in the months and years to come.
The owners of the Quogue Market have posted a notice that they will be closing “for the winter” on October 10th. I am meeting with the owners to see if anything can be done, but am not sure what the outcome of the meeting will be.
Our Police Chief Chris Isola has asked me to remind you all to please not leave your keys and fobs in your parked cars. Unfortunately, we are not immune to the wave of car thefts that you may have read about. The thieves have an appetite for high end vehicles (particularly Range Rovers) and, in almost every theft, the keys/fobs were left in the vehicle.
And now for a few announcements of some of the many events and activities happening in Quogue in the coming days and weeks:
A reminder that the Quogue Library Art Committee’s Smart Phone Portrait Contest is ongoing with a deadline for submissions on October 15th. More details are available on the Library’s website at https://quogue.librarycalendar.com/events/month
This coming Saturday, October 1st from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, the Quogue Library will be hosting a lecture presented by the New York Marine Center on endangered animal species.
On October 15th at 5:00 pm, the Library will be hosting the next Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions discussion program entitled: “No end in sight: A Century of Drug Wars”. Participants can join by zoom or attend in person.
On October 16th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, the Quogue Wildlife Refuge is hosting a Rites of Spring Concert on the theme of Music for a Changing Climate. Further details are available on the Refuge’s website at www.quoguewildliferefuge.org and tickets can be purchased at www.ritesmusic.org.
The Hampton Theatre Company’s 2022-2023 season kicks off next month with Over the River and Through the Woods, written by Joe DiPietro, with a run beginning on October 20th through November 6th. Tickets can be purchased at www.hamptontheatre.org.
Apologies if I have overlooked an event; please let me know!
Enjoy the early days of fall!
Robert Treuhold
Mayor, Village of Quogue
Dear Quogue Residents,
It is hard to believe that Labor Day is around the corner, and that the school year is about to begin! We have been blessed this summer with spectacular weather, with the unfortunate consequence that the entire South Shore of Long Island being “upgraded” to severe drought status. Please follow the SCWA’s guidelines for adjusting your irrigation schedule. A related consequence is that Suffolk County is under an extreme high risk of fire. The conditions are similar to August of 1995 when a firestorm erupted in the Pine Barrens following a hot month with no rain. Please exercise extra caution when firing up your grills!
With respect to our beaches, as in prior years, we are about to embark on a few days of “beach scraping” to reinforce the dunes on the eastern stretch of our Village. We are still subject to plover restrictions as the Town of Southampton bird monitors have identified one remaining piping plover chick that is still too young to fly (or fledge). They are estimating that the fledge date will be August 27th if you want to mark your calendars. Also, please remember that if you have a locker at the Village Beach, it needs to be emptied out before you leave for the summer and no later than September 18th.
The Village is also about to embark on annual maintenance of our roads. This is a two-step process. The first phase will begin right after Labor Day with a smooth layer of asphalt being spread to fill in holes and cracks and to level the streets. The second phase will take place the following week (weather permitting), when blue stone will be laid down with a liquid emulsion. This needs to be done in the early fall when the weather is still warm enough for the blue stone to bind properly. After a few days, our Highway Department will then sweep up any remaining loose stones.
Some modifications to the intersection at the east end of Quogue Street and Montauk Highway are about to be underway. We have been notified by Suffolk County that their highway crews will be in Quogue in the coming weeks to repaint all of the markings at that intersection. New signage is also on order and should be installed in the fall.
And now for a few announcements:
The Quogue Junior Theater Troupe’s younger show The Little Mermaid Jr. opens tonight, August 23rd and runs through Friday, August 26th. You can purchase tickets at https://qjtt.org/
On Saturday, August 27th, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, the Quogue Library is organizing an outdoor concert with The Sunnyland Jazz Band – light refreshments will be served, and on Sunday, August 28th, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, the Library will be hosting their final program in this year’s Summer Author Series with Adele Myers.
As previously announced, an informational meeting will be held next week on the Fire Island to Montauk Point (FIMP) beach nourishment project. The meeting will take place in the Community Hall at 11:00 am on Wednesday, August 31st. More information will be posted on the Village Website.
Our Police Department is hosting a free child car seat education and safety check on Sunday, September 4th at the Fire House. There will be an instructional seminar from 9:00 am – 9:30 am followed by car seat safety checks from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman will be returning to Quogue on Saturday, September 10th, at 10:00 am to give a “State of the Town” presentation on the Village Green. The event is being hosted by the Quogue Association and will be Jay’s first return to Quogue since before Covid came to town .
That same day, at 7:30 pm, Quogue Chamber Music is hosting a concert in the Community Hall by Members of Manhattan Chamber Players. Tickets can be purchased at http://quoguechambermusic.org/
Finally, we will be commemorating the anniversary of 9-11 at a ceremony at the Fire House beginning at 10:00 am.
Enjoy the final days of summer!
Robert Treuhold
Mayor, Village of Quogue
631-653-4498 (office)