Last July 29th I sent an email informing you of a study commissioned by New York State of ways to improve the water quality in western Shinnecock Bay and described the findings by Dewberry, an engineering firm. The email and Dewberry’s summary findings (posted on July 28th) are available here. Some alternatives involved allowing an exchange of water between the ocean and the bay.
Subsequently, the State and the Town of Southampton commissioned a relook at one of the previously rejected alternatives, which consists of an underground pipe and pump station beneath Beach Lane in the vicinity of the Surf Club. The pipe would run between the Quogue Canal and a terminus about 2000 feet into the ocean.
There is a presentation on Friday, April 9 at 10:00 am by Dewberry on its study of this alternative. If you are interested in tuning in, the link is the following:
Peter Sartorius